from Queensland Superkart Club
Jumping straight into the deep end and going into the 250 International class, Ewen has had his ups and
downs mastering the beast. We catch up with him and hear his thoughts on the 2022 season and what’s
planned for 2023.

QSC: What was your highlight of 2022?
The highlight of 2022 was finishing all five races at Lakeside. I’ve had a tough run with reliability, but now
that everything has been replaced it is a strong engine and a very fun kart to steer.
The other highlight of 2022 is that I acquired the famous carbon Anderson chassis driven by Neil Faulkner and will be developing that for next year. Expecting big things!
Also, watching the club help each other, provide advice and give grief when warranted.
QSC: What are your plans for 2023?
I’m building a new kart and contemplating an engine development program. I want to travel interstate and experience the culture of the other clubs, the tracks and continue developing as a driver.
This is my first full year in a Division 1. Coming from 4-strokes, the learning curve is steep and I’m just looking forward to more seat time and those lap times tumbling.

QSC: What you enjoy most about Superkarts?
One word. RAW.
People often claim to enjoy raw feel in a sports car, and the tragic know that it simply doesn’t get rawer than
a superkart. It’s all up to you.
On top of that, it has to be the most cost-effective category in Australia for
long track racing and coincidentally, amongst the very fastest. You can’t go faster for the money.
Superkarting is the ultimate bang for buck if you wanna go fast.