Karting NSW is looking to formalise the eligibility of engines in its sanctioned events and will soon open a tender process for manufacturers and/or their Australian distributors to supply control engines.
A KNSW press release said the tender will include Novice, Rookie, Junior, Senior Restricted and Performance classes, as well as 4 Stroke options.
“KNSW acknowledges that there is a wide range of engines available in the market that would satisfy KNSW’s performance, parity, ease of use, and cost requirements” the Board of KNSW published.
“It is envisaged that selected engines would aid in improving participation and facilitate KNSW’s Vision to have ‘More People Karting More Often.’
“Until a thorough evaluation has been completed, Karting NSW will not be introducing any new engines to its Competition Rules.”
The tender process is expected to be released during the first quarter of 2021. The KNSW Engine Review Committee will appraise each eligible engine on safety, merit and suitability for KNSW Sanctioned Events, before making its recommendation to the KNSW Board.
“KNSW is looking forward to providing the opportunity to engage with the wider karting community on this project through an open and transparent process with the goal of delivering further cost-savings to karters.”