The Queensland Superkart Club recognised some of its Life Members with a write-up in the club’s February newsletter (posted last month HERE). The club has now published another batch – see below.
Marilyn came hand in hand with Bernie and initially took on the role of race reporter, standing at the low wall on the main straight, keeping track of the racing and then walking around the pits asking racers why they didn’t finish. With the usual response was, something broke, came undone or driver error as well as getting feedback from those who finished.

Jennifer Alexander, along with others was a big help when Marilyn took on the canteen as well and when Jason Smith started racing Carole Smith also helped run the canteen. With their help and others including Tim once was old enough, Marilyn continued to also do a race reports. The canteen not only supplied the racers with much needed fuel but the valuable flag marshals as well. With help from Carole Smith and others, Marilyn had the canteen running at a profit for the club and this helped pay for all the trophies and the end of year Gala which Marilyn would also organise catering for.
Roger was another valuable club member taking up the Secretary role in 1990-1991 before stepping up to the President in 1992-93. Roger was always there early to help setup the barriers and flag points before staying late to pack up again and the end of a race day all while racing himself in the 250 National Class.

His on-track sportsmanship was just as exemplary often racing wheel to wheel with the likes of Bernie Weier, Dan Alexander, Roger Tapper and others. One year Roger loaned Bernie a barrel for his Yamaha YZ after Bernie smashed his from a big end failure, Bernie would go on to win the championship from Roger that year, this sort of sportsmanship is what the QLD Club is built on.
Phil Joined the club in 1989 and has since become an integral part of the Queensland Superkart Club. Taking on the secretary role from 1992-1994 as well as a couple of years as Vice President and 1 year as President. In 1995 he got his CAMS official licence he became one of the club’s primary scrutineers eventually upgrading to Silver which he has held to this day. Over the years Phil has put in many many hours checking and signing off karts for members and we are thankful for his contribution to the club.

Phil also put a lot of his time and effort into the committee ranging from Vice-President to General Committee positions over the years, he also served time 2015-2016 on the National Superkart Association (NSA) panel which is involved in maintaining the Technical Regulations that Superkarts use for official competition.

Where do you start with Ashley! Ashley had a passion for the Queensland Superkart club that is unlikely to be ever seen again.
Ashley joined the club in 1995 when his nephew bought an 80cc kart off Chryss Jamieson. Ashley took on the President’s role from 2005-2015 which saw the club through many highs and lows. Ashley also had his business Zahl 1 Karting (Z1K) that helped members with all their racing needs at an affordable price, he was always trying to get the best deal to help members with the costs of going racing. He would always come out to the track with a boot load of spare parts as someone would always need some odd ball part to get them back on track and 9
times out of 10 Ash had a box of them handy!

Ash had a one of a kind personality and infectious smile and unique laugh, even if it was his way or the highway he always had the best intentions for the sport at heart. Ash would always be giving you advice on how to go faster (which was usually just drive the thing harder!) as well as what was the latest go fast trick part in Europe or the USA. Ashley’s passion for the sport left a huge hole when he passed away in 2018.
The Outstanding Club Member Award was re-named in his honour.
If you ever had the chance to chat with Ashley and it was never a short chat! Then you would know how much passion he had for the sport of Superkarting.