Koda’s World Challenge

Micro Max Australian Kart Champion Koda Singh took on the biggest challenge of his young career recently at the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals in Portugal.

Singh had won the chance to represent his country by his results throughout the 2022 season. Koda was the number 1 driver in the Micro Max Australian ranks, but he was now taking on the world stage and ready to do battle!

Singh used the lead up days to the event to practice and get his head around the tough Portugal circuit. Koda hit the track for qualifying and knew he had a mountain to climb competing against the world’s best drivers.

Singh was able to put himself into the top 40 but was battling tough conditions that were changing all the time. Koda made his way into position 32 overall and he was now looking forward to getting into his racing!

Koda was ready to race and get his 1st race on the world stage underway. Singh got a clean get away and quickly made his way into the top 30. Koda has strong pace and was making up spots hand over fist and made his way further forward and into the top 20. Singh tried to make a moved for position 18 which resulted in him dropping back a few spots. Koda crossed the line in position 23 overall making up a remarkable 9 spots!

Singh was once again out of position 32 for heat 2 and was once again trying to make up spots across the weekend. Koda got the head down and was able to once again make his way into the top 30 drivers overall. Singh was once again dealing with tough weather conditions, but was still making up positions across the race. Koda finished the race in position 28 overall making up another 4 spots across his race.


Koda hit the track for the pre final and was once again aiming to make up positions across the championship. Singh was a young man on a mission making up spots hand over fist and looking on for his best result of the weekend. When all was looking well for another strong result, Koda was unfortunately run off the circuit and re-joined back on the track in position 32.

Singh was starting the all-important final out of position 28 and was ready to light up the championship final! Singh was excited and ready to go for the all-important final. The race stopped in the early stages but once restarted Koda was able to go to work and try and make up more positions. Singh was pushing hard on the back of the top 20 and continuing to show why he is one of the best young drivers in Australia. Koda finished the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals in position 21 overall in a brilliant result!

Koda spoke post weekend on his massive weekend in Portugal representing his country! “I had an amazing experience and so much fun racing. I got better with each heat and did a PB every heat. I made heaps of new friends from around the world which is really great too! It was a great event and I am so happy I was able to represent Australia. Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way and got me here.”

Singh will finish his 2022 season at the Shamick Racing Enduro at the Go Kart Club of Victoria!
