Just days before the event was scheduled to run, Retro Karting Australia has advised its competitors that this weekend’s round of the RKA Championship Series at Bolivar will not take place.
The two-day event was to be the second round of a five round series and award the South Australian Champions for the retro classes.
RKA sent the statement below to its members and is published here with permission.
We contacted the President of both RKA and the Southern Go Kart Club, but at this stage neither were willing to discuss the issue.
RKA Statement:
Hi members,
Due to the extremely late cancellation by Southern Go Kart Club of our Retro Karting Australia SA state championships & now having very little time to get everything required in place for a replacement event this weekend we are left with no option but to cancel our SA round.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this has caused our members & are totally shocked that we were only afforded 3 days notice of cancellation.
We will now move on to bigger & better things & concentrate on making the Tony Agland Memorial at Dubbo the great spectacle that is RKA & honour Tony’s huge contribution to our sport.
I urge all our members to get behind this event & support our great club.
Bring on Dubbo.
Kind Regards
Leigh Williamson
President RKA