Rotax Cancels 2020 Grand Finals

BRP-Rotax has cancelled the 2020 Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals. A new Covid lockdown in the host country (Portugal) makes it impossible to run the event.

The 2020 Grand Final had already been pushed into 2021, but will not be postponed to another date. This means all drivers who qualified for tickets will not get to compete in their Grand Final. It remains to be seen if Rotax will be able to incorporate them into a future Grand Final.

This will be the first time the ‘Rotax Worlds’ has not been run since the inception of the event at Puerto Rico in 2000.

The official statement from Rotax is below. Competitors were scheduled to arrive this coming week with official activities commencing on January 23.

Container loads of equipment had already arrived at the circuit and much of the infrastructure to run the Grand Finals was already in place (pic – Rotax)

In respect of the Health and Safety of customers, Staff and partners BRP-Rotax announces cancellation of RMC Grand Finals 2020 following the latest covid-19 pandemic developments


The Portuguese Government just announced a hard lockdown for the whole country starting on January 15th, 2021, for the next two weeks minimum, following the rising Covid-19 cases. BRP-Rotax carefully reviewed all facts about the impact of this new situation. It is with a heavy heart that the company now needs to inform that due to the even further increased health and safety risks combined with the consequences of this Government decision in Portugal and the even further increased travel limitations worldwide it is impossible to hold the RMCGF 2020.

“We are deeply sorry that we finally have to cancel the event. We know and fully respect that you all have been working hard – not only during the season when you fought for the tickets but also in the last weeks when you tried to organise the travel to Portugal facing challenges regarding flights, visa, etc.,” said Peter Oelsinger, General Manager BRP-Rotax / Member of the Management Board, Vice President Sales, Marketing RPS-Business & Communications.

Rotax staff have been busy setting up the pit in Portimao, however there will now be no competition for 2020 (pic – Rotax)

“It is a very tough decision for Rotax, as we have done everything possible to organise this Grand Finals event and have already spent a huge amount of time, resources and money. However, with the aggravated Covid-19 situation, the consequences of the latest Portuguese Government decision and the travel restrictions we must put the well-being, health and safety of our customers, partners and staff first. So, the combination of all aspects leads to this force majeure situation, which makes it impossible to execute the event anymore,” he concluded.

The RMCGF will be cancelled and not postponed for profound reasons. Not only is the development of Covid-19 situation over the next months unpredictable – also with the new virus variations – but also the huge organizational efforts for this big event make a feasible short-term shift of the date impossible. Every RMC Grand Finals event needs over a year of preparation to organise and bring all the equipment, people and services on site. Time, logistics and available team resources do not allow a postponement.

BRP-Rotax would like to thank everybody involved for their understanding in these difficult Covid-19 pandemic times and most importantly wishes everyone to stay safe and healthy!
