press release
Karting (New South Wales) Inc will be conducting racing events this weekend in New South Wales – with Lismore Kart Club and Orange Kart Club both racing on 31 May 2020.
Ms Alsters, Chair of KNSW said “The safety and well being of our karting community is our priority. As mentioned on previous occasions, we are conducting our racing events in full compliance of the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 2) 2020 [NSW].
Both Lismore and Orange Circuits are on property in excess of 4 and 5 hectares and as such we have ample capacity to ensure there is 4 sqm of space for each person on the premises.
The race circuit is not open to members of the public, nor are spectators are permitted.
Only KNSW Licence Holders are permitted to enter the premises.
We have issued strict Guidelines to our Members and Officials to ensure there shall not be any gathering in groups of more than 10 persons on any part of the premises.
Ms Alsters confirmed that “KNSW has received written confirmation from NSW Police Operational Legal Unit that we can race this weekend. All of our events are to be run in accordance with KNSW Guidelines to Reduce Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Risk at KNSW Sanctioned Events and are done so in full compliance with NSW Public Health Orders”.
We look forward to kicking off racing in New South Wales and wish all competitors a safe and fun racing event this weekend!