The organisers of the Australian Kart Masters at Grafton Sporting Car Club have taken the decision to postpone the event after extensive consultation with competitors. There has been strong support for the event amongst eligible competitors but the timing (Easter weekend) has prevented many from taking part due to family commitments.
As a result, the event will be rescheduled to a date later in 2019 that will be announced once a revised calendar is locked down.

Mick Thompson, Karting Secretary from the Grafton Sporting Car Club said “We’ve had great sponsor support and everywhere I go competitors have told me that they want to come and compete in the Australian Kart Masters at Grafton, but the date has been a hurdle for the vast majority of competitors. By re-scheduling the event to a different date, those competitors will be able to join us at the event”.
Dave Laughton, President of Karting Australia NSW said that making the change demonstrated the open and honest relationship that KANSW has with its member clubs and competitors “We’re a new Association with a new calendar and when the majority of competitors tell us that they love the event, love the format we’ve announced, are looking forward to going to Grafton and taking on a different track but simply can’t get there at Easter, then we take the sensible step of postponing the event to a time later in the year that works better for competitors”.
Grafton Sporting Car Club has received a Grant from the NSW State Government to re-surface the entire track surface and this work is scheduled to commence in May this year. Postponing the Australian Kart Masters means that the club will be able to concentrate all its resources and labour on making the preparations needed for the re-surfacing work, so that the best possible outcome is provided.
In regard to the resurfacing, Mick Thompson had this to say “The new Track surface will really improve our racetrack and give competitors a top quality surface to race on when they come here for the Australian Kart Masters and our other events – we’re really excited about the new surface”.
When the new date for the event is announced, competitors will be able to look forward to not only a new and enjoyable event but also a newly-resurfaced racetrack as well as further improvements to paddock and operational areas, delivered by the hardworking Grafton Sporting Car Club members and the Grant funding provided by NSW State Government.
Even though KANSW are offering cheaper race entry, karters using the new tire with KNSW are saving much more money than the $25 or so, saved in entry fees. A driver who does 4 meetings on a set of cheaper tires instead of 1 is about $750 ahead……compared to a saving of $100 in entry fees over 4 m,eetings.