Beau Pronesti, Jnr MAX (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Winner James Anagnostiadis congratulates Marco Manson (25), Micro MAX final (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Jenson Burns, Micro MAX (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Push-n-shove, Rotax Light pre-final start (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)NZ’s Clay Osborne, Jnr MAX (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)National #1 Ryan Kennedy, DD2 (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Max Walton, Mini MAX(pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Zac van Leeuwestyn celebrates first across the line in Rotax Heavy (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews) Not. Happy. (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Scott Auld conducting interviews for the Pro Tour Facebook page. (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)When the engine needs reassembling after a race meet, it means you did well! (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)“How’s this all going to fit?” (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews) Packing the cases ready for the flight home (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Well, it was the Australia Day opener (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Homemade axle brace for transporting a DD2 chassis when there’s no engine on the kart. This is Jac Preston’s machine. (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Trouble at the start of DD2 Masters, Terry Hanly with the hand up (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)“What’s Jen got in here? Spark plugs, bananas, 2 tenths?” Pro Tour was first event of the year for Rotax’s Darrell Smith ahead of a long list of RMC events around the globe. (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Micro MAX drivers & trophies (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Ethan Feather, Junior Rotax (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)Loose bonnet for Macey Cluderay, Juniors (pic – Mark Wicks, KartSportNews)