Tyre Prices Up for Kiwis

The price Kiwi karters have to pay for their race tyres has increased due to the New Zealand Government’s Tyrewise scheme.

Under a legislated Waste Minimisation Regulations act, the importation of kart tyres are now hit with NZ$6.65 (plus 15% GST) charge per tyre. 

This fee must identified as a separate line on sales invoices and charged to customers.

The Tyrewise regulations and fees are to support a take-back service for all end-of-life tyres across the country.

The aim is to improve the rate of re-use, recycling and repurposing of old tyres, plus reduce the number of tyres entering landfill and illegal dumping.


“To limit the impact to competitors, KartSport NZ has taken steps with its trade suppliers to reduce the overall wholesale price by $3.33 plus GST per tyre, being 50% of the tyre stewardship fee” Kartsport New Zealand declared on its website.

Currently, there is a fee to dispose of old tyres, but from 1 September 2024, Tyrewise will commence free collection of end-of-life tyres.

KartSport NZ is encouraging its clubs that have their own venue to reach out to Tyrewise if they wish for their track to become a drop off point for end-of-life tyres.

More information is on the Kartsport New Zealand website HERE.
