Bathurst Busted

Bathurst Regional Council has voted against having a new karting circuit built alongside the famous Mt Panorama race track.

On June 19 Councillors voted five-three to reject the Development Application for the new facility, that was to be built near The Chase section of the car circuit.

Interestingly, radio 2bs 95.1 FM reported two days prior to the council meeting that council had been formally advised (via an independent assessment) to refuse the development application, mostly due to excessive noise and adverse amenity impacts.

Council listed a number of reasons for the refusal, including the project is too close to both residential areas and rural residences and would result in unacceptable noise and amenity impacts for residents.

“Outline Planning Consultants have said no amount of mitigation measures can overcome the cumulative noise impact predicted” the station reported.

Council documentation can be found HERE.


Earlier in the month, Bathurst Kart Club formally advised Council it would not be seeking to utilise a loan of $2.25m and would instead seek to raise the necessary funds itself. Club President Mark Dunbar spoke with Janeen Hosemans on Live and Local today on June 6 (listen, below).

Worth noting is that during the submission hearing period, council received 48 submissions in support and 102 in objection.

This is not the first time plans to build a kart track at Bathurst have been scuppered. A proposal to build a karting facility at McPhillamy Park was rejected in 2021 over Indigenous heritage concerns.
