It’s A Dead Heat!

Club/Regional level racing and State Championship level racing are the most popular levels of karting in Australia, according to votes cast in the most recent KSN reader poll.

Incredibly, these two responses scored the same number of votes to the question “What level(s) of karting will you participate in 2023?“. In fact, there was very little difference (just over 3%) amongst the top four options that also included Special Event/State Cup/Trophy and Open race meetings.

Then came Nationals and Practice/Social karting, followed by International, Other and No Driving.

People’s responses in the ‘Other’ category include 4-stroke, endurance, retro, superkart and vintage karting – however, these are not “levels” of karting; they are types of karting.


Regrettably, the same mistake was made by us – Hire Karts should not even be on the poll as that’s a type of karting – oops!

Most entertaining answer was one of the ‘Other’ responses – Gun mechanic (so… that’s Not Driving, yeah?).

