by Russell Innes – Ipswich Kart Club
Another huge entry of 210 drivers has been received for the Final Round of the 2022 Ipswich Kart Club Championship on Saturday 15th of October, which will double as the Capri Cup and will be conducted on the now traditional K Track Reverse Direction configuration.
As part of the celebration of the magnificent contribution Maureen and Alf Capri have given to karting in Queensland, the race meeting will include a special demonstration and display of the Alf Capri Margay Twin engine kart, which has been fully restored by the team at Queensland Vintage and Historic Club, in memory of Alf who passed away in July 2021.

Racing will get underway at 7.30am, with a very big programme to get through and as usual the very efficient team of officials and volunteers will have the racing all finished by 7.30pm that evening.
The Cadet classes at Ipswich are always huge and with 22 Cadet 9s and 34 Cadet 12s, plus another 8 in the Cadet P class, some fantastic racing is assured from our youngest competitors. 4SS Junior is another class with developing numbers and lots of new drivers with 14 entries in total and 6 of them as P Platers. TAG Light always put on an impressive show at IKC and with 24 entries there will be some great racing.
Whilst the Capri Cup will be the last round of the IKC 2022 Championship, a further “non club championship” race meeting will be held at Ipswich Kart Club on October 29th. This will be the return of the IKC King or Queen Titles and will be a little different to normal club rounds at IKC, with yet another shorter track configuration in use and will be an all points count format with 2 Heats and a Final, but more laps than normal.
This race meeting will also have approximately $5000 in prizes and random draws across all classes which receive 10 or more entries.