Driver/Team PR: CKS/Tecno Vic Drivers at ELKC

The Country Kart Spares / Tecno Victoria race team had their first race meeting out since the Covid enforced break. With a team of four drivers in Cadet 12 drivers Aston Hill and Dino Maio alongside KA3 Junior drivers Chadd Moore and Aris Kyriakou, they were looking to have a weekend of development and fun. Drivers Hill, Maio and Kyriakou were all having their first race meets in the new Tecno chassis and were looking to start with an impact.

Cadet 12 Drivers Hill and Maio hit the track first for qualifying in the large thirty-one kart field. Both drivers showed strong signs with young Aston leading the charge running inside the top ten for most of the session. Maio was battling inside the second half of the field improving all the time. Hill came home with the eighth fastest time with Maio coming home in position twenty-three overall. Kyriakou and Moore both hit the track in the extremely competitive KA3 Junior field. Both drivers improved throughout the session pushing the edge of the top fifteen with their times. Kyriakou set the eighteenth fastest time with Moore not behind in position twenty-one.

Aston Hill (pic – supplied)

The heats had mixed results for the the two Cadet 12 drivers. Young Aston Hill made progress in both of the opening heats, improving two spots in both races. Placing sixth twice was a great result but young Hill stormed forward in heat three to come home with a strong podium position in second spot! Maio unfortunately didn’t have the same luck, having two DNF’s in heat one and two putting him off the rear for heat three. Young Dino made his way back up to position twenty-five by the end of heat three.

Both Kyriakou and Moore made steady progress in their heats. Young Aris broke into the top fifteen in both his opening two heats, with young Chadd moving up to position eighteen and nineteen in his two heats. Moore had his best result in heat three, coming home in position sixteen with Kyriakou coming down in nineteenth.


Dino Maio (pic – supplied)

The finals came around and all four drivers were looking to have a strong result. Young Aston Hill once again lead the charge battling inside the top five and trying his heart out for a podium. Aston came home just off the podium in position four in a great result for the team. Young Dino Maio made steady progress again in the final but after an action-packed final came home in position twenty-five overall. Chadd Moore had an unfortunate end to his weekend with kart contact bringing his final to a sudden end. Aris Kyriakou made his way inside the top twenty in the ultra-competitive KA3 Junior field. Aris came home in position nineteen overall in a tough hard weekend of racing for the four boys.

Team manager Shane Moore told us about the hard weekend of racing. “It was a tough and hard weekend of racing. I was really proud of how the drivers went this weekend with a lot of them in their first race with the team. While some incidents out of our control hurt us, we look forward to the next meeting to continue to improve the teams performance”.
