BUMPER TEST – During the second round of European Championship for OK & OK-Junior in France, the FIA confiscated a total of fourteen front fairings from competitors. Eight were OTK brand and six were Parolin. The bodywork was sent to the CSI laboratory for structural integrity testing relating to their homologation and technical regulations. Following the lab tests, FIA Karting confirmed all fourteen front fairings were found to be in conformity with the rules.
CIRCUIT UPGRADE – The Wagga & District Kart Racing Club’s aging facility is set for a significant upgrade after Wagga Wagga City Council accepted $407,407 in funding from the NSW Government. After discussions with the club over the past 12 months, Council’s Strategic Recreation Officer, Peter Cook, said; “The focus was on the asphalt surface which has significantly deteriorated over time and recently reached a point where the club’s track racing licence was not renewed.” The club will partner with Council to complete the works. Read the full story HERE.

NEW SERA – Congratulations are in order for David Sera who became a dad with the birth of Jesse on August 27. “Baby Jesse Sera entered the race track on Friday” Dave posted on social media. “I now know the sensation of being an F1 dad.”

FREE STICKERS – Several KartSportNews Facebook followers have received free stickers in the past few weeks for engaging with KSN content on that platform. So far most of these have been won by correctly answering questions relating to posted content. However, there might just be a few random giveaways coming up…

TECH TILT – There doesn’t seem to be much innovation visible in karting these days, but this caught people’s attention at the European KZ Championship round at Adria recently; Kimi Andrea Antonelli testing a forward tilt radiator on his Kart Republic/IAME, trying to defeat the extreme heat in Italy. The team reverted to the more tradition sloping back position for race day.

RIP JIM CAVILL – Cairns Kart Racing Club has announced the passing of Life Member, Jim Cavill. Jim was recovering from a stroke in December 2020 and passed away peacefully on August 6. “Jim was a highly valued club member as a volunteer official for our club at every race meeting for a lot of years” the club posted. “He also regularly gave his time for fundraisers and promotional activities. His dedication to our club was driven through a passion for motorsport. Jim was also a marshall for V8 Supercars.”

OUCH! – The Noise has shunted! Karting commentator Kev Davies came off his mountain bike while chasing William Yarwood down a hill recently and has done some damage to his chassis. “Well that’s a bummer, 4 broken ribs and a bruised lung!” he posted from his hospital bed. The Noise is now recovering at home, getting that lung ready to belt out some more “Away we GO!!!”s.

MORE THAN KARTS – The Coffs Harbour kart track is used for more than just kart racing. Earlier this month the facility hosted the Spanner’s Car Show. “Some fantastic vehicles on show, weather was awesome & a great time was had by all!” the club posted. Proceeds from the day went to Hope for the Homeless.

RULE RESCINDED – The temporary class rule adjustment for wet tyres in Karting Australia Cadet and KA4 classes has now been rescinded. These classes revert to their regulated tyres from September 1st.

WHO’s YOU? – These are the people you need to go racing, by Mathew Basso Racing.
INDUSTRY – The Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) has been appointed the authorized Rotax distributor for the Kingdom of Bahrain with immediate effect. BIC, already a long-time promoter of Rotax products and events, takes over from Al Ain Raceway as the authorized Rotax distributor for the region. BIC intensified its commitment to Rotax by also becoming the host for the 2021 Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals in December. Al-Ain Raceway will remain the distributor for the territories of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi-Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

KARTING FOOD – The official CRG race team recently distributed a press release regarding the “proper diet for a real karting driver”, which is published below:

Racing on a go-kart is certainly a sport that involves a high expenditure of energy and even if there is no magical food, able to let you win a race, there are for sure many products which can provide the body with the necessary energy to end the competition in the best way and others that can make it even harder for you. With the help of the CRG Team drivers’ fitness coaches, we tried to understand what could be the most effective advice to give to drivers of any level, from professionals to amateurs.
The diet of a good kart driver, like any other sportsman, must be able to meet the high energy requirements and the necessary needs for the vital functions. Overindulging food can even lead to many problems, both for our health and for our performance on the track. Some time ago we have published an article about how the mind is absolutely essential for a driver, but be careful, the Latin phrase “mens sana in corpore sano” always applies. We know that making serious food mistakes could inexorably compromise the result of months and months of training and preparation. Our body is a bit like an engine and if you use the wrong petrol you will get stranded in a second.
It is good to know that one of the common mistakes made before a race is fasting for hours, or even worse, eating just before the traffic lights go out, so that to have to deal at the same time with both, opponents and one’s own digestion. You should remember that this process “takes away” a lot of blood from the rest of the body, leaving less of it for the brain.
Rule number one is certainly to drink a lot, but obviously avoid the consumption of alcohol and sugary drinks. Before a race it is good to reduce fat as much as possible, go for low proteins and focus more on complex carbohydrates. So we can say yes to pasta, rice and potatoes. Vegetables and fruit are also essential for providing a good part of carbohydrates but also vitamins, minerals and fiber. Foods for which you can therefore also slightly exceed the quantities.
Recently many sportsmen (even of a certain caliber),have shared the choice of a vegetarian or even vegan diet (also excluding animals’ derivatives, such as cheese and eggs) and specific studies have shown that these are absolutely sustainable choices, even for those athletes subjected to a great physical stress, as they guarantee the correct protein intake, without having to introduce animal fats into the body.
Obviously, before choosing which is your most suitable diet, we advise you to rely on an expert, as athletes’ diets must always be modulated with the training times and the specific performance requirements that are necessary for the body. Do-it-yourself is never a good idea and could take you off track.