Driver PR: Lucas Costanzo, AKC Shakedown

Lucas Costanzo competed at the Australian Kart Championship Shakedown at the Eastern Lions Kart Club over the weekend.

Costanzo will be competing in the Australian Kart Championship in late July and looked to ramp up his preparations for the event. Qualifying was the starting point for the Pro Karting stable drive under wet conditions, a surface Lucas hadn’t done a lot of preparation in.

Winners are grinners – Lucas and the 1st place trophy (pic – Costanzo)

Qualifying didn’t start as the young driver and his father hoped, with faulty battery leaving him stranded on the grid. With calm and quick work to his kart the Reload Electrical backed driver missed the first three laps of qualifying, but was able to get out on track. In remarkable scenes Costanzo was able to get up to immediate speed and put in a lap quick enough for pole position, by around four tenths of a second. Incredible driving in tough circumstances had Lucas off pole position.

A clean get away had Costanzo out in front dominating the race, setting fastest lap after fastest lap. A lap score mistake had the young Cadet 9 driver thinking he finished the race a lap earlier then he had. Due to this in unfortunate circumstances Lucas was passed on the last lap and came home in second position overall.

Heat two was on a drying track and due to this the team weren’t quite able to hit the set-up window. The Reload Power Group backed driver led away but was picked off and dropped to third by race end, in a strong drive under the conditions and kart set up he had to offer.


Costanzo’s bad luck continued in heat three, getting shuffled back off the start and outside the top five out of the first corner. The Pro Karting stable driver never gave up, picking his way back up to second spot in a grand stand drive to the end. In a drag to the line Lucas came home in position two, setting up an exciting battle for the final.

They say leave the best until last and that was exactly what young Lucas did. By lap two the Luvia Lighting Concepts sponsored entry was in the lead and in a dominate display the Cadet 9 ace set the fastest lap and drove away to a near four second victory.

Lucas’s father Ralph spoke post weekend of the ups and downs of racing and the weather. “Another great weekend of racing at the eastern lions karting club. We are really pleased with the result; the weekend had both rain and sunshine but my little man raced beautifully. After a short time in karting Lucas has shown he has the ability to match it with the best of them, we are so proud of Lucas”.

Costanzo now looks to a busy month ahead with his biggest challenge of his young career, the Australian Kart Championship at Eastern Lions coming up at the end of July.
