In an update on Friday, the Board of Karting NSW published its Mission, Vision and Values statement.
from KNSW
Covid-19 – Focus on Recovery, Sustainability & Growth
When the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic first emerged, our Board focused its attention on our response to the immediate crisis – its impact to our organisation, our clubs, our wider karting community and to our sport as a whole.
The KNSW Board continues to focus on recovery, but has also been focusing on the sustainability and growth of our future as we navigate through the different stages of this pandemic.
Our Pre-Covid-19 strategies, business plans and assumptions have all been reviewed and amended to ensure that they are still appropriate and adaptive for a Covid-19 economy. We have also been carefully considering how governments and key stakeholders have been responding to the crisis, and how these responses will help shape the future of our organisation.
A result of this work has led to the development of our new KNSW Strategic Plan – 2020 to 2023. We anticipate releasing our Strategic Plan after our August board meeting.
Our Purpose – Vision, Mission & Values
As we worked through the development of our KNSW Strategic Plan, we wanted to ensure that our organisation’s purpose is clear. Clear to our Clubs, Participants and Stakeholders.
The Board of KNSW has chosen to express its purpose through a combination of a Mission, Vision and Values Statements. These are high level statements that aim to provide a clear and succinct summary of why we are here.
Today, we are proud to release the Mission, Vision and Values of Karting (New South Wales) Inc.
Our Mission:
To develop & promote karting throughout Australia for the benefit of all
Our Vision:
More People Karting More Often
Our Values:
- Leadership
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Cooperation
- Inclusion
A Note of Thanks
As we continue to navigate through this extraordinary time, we wish to acknowledge the ongoing hard work of our Staff, Appointed Officials & Co-Ordinators, Committee Members and Volunteers. We are all working together to ensure our sport not only survives this pandemic – but thrives for future generations of karters!
We have some great events scheduled for the second half of our racing year! Stay safe and stay well!