published by AIDKA

The AIDKA Executive committee has been monitoring the rapidly changing Covid-19 Virus situation throughout Australia. Our decisions are based on what is the best interest and health of our members, officials, volunteers and supporters.

As you would have seen throughout the media streams, the Covid-19 Virus situation is changing daily. We have assessed all documents and media releases from State/Federal Governments and Health authorities.

The below decisions have not been made lightly and please consider that the current state and restrictions could change at any time.


The AIDKA Executive have had discussions with Blanchetown Kart Club and both have agreed that the 2020 SA titles will be cancelled. The 2021 SA State Titles will be now held at the Blanchetown Kart Club on 30th April, 1st and 2nd May 2021 which means the roster for SA Titles will all be moved back one year.

This is not a normal situation of ‘Force Majeure’ but feel this is the best outcome for all. This will hopefully allow most accommodation bookings to be transferred from 2020 to 2021. Cancelling now is our best option to minimise expenditure for all and eliminate the risk of cancellation if authorities change protocol and guidelines anytime moving forward, which could be just days before the event.

Full refunds for current SA Title nominations will occur but please be patient.



Club events may continue until further notice but please be aware this could change at a moments notice. If Government and Health authorities place any further restrictions on mass gatherings, we will cancel all meetings effective immediately.

Some clubs may opt to not race from now and this is entirely their decision.

The following restrictions/protocols must be followed at all club events.

1. Maximum nominations will be 125.
2. If you are feeling unwell STAY AT HOME.
3. If you personally are in a high-risk category STAY AT HOME.
4. If you have travelled overseas in last 14 days STAY AT HOME and self-isolate.
5. Personal Hygiene is a must. All participants to be vigilant and wash hands regularly with soap and/or use hand sanitiser (please bring your own if possible).
6. Keep social distancing at all times (including indoor areas) where practical (1.5 metres)
7. Avoid personal contact at all times (Shaking hands, hugging etc.)
8. Clubs to provide hand sanitiser at Scrutineering, Sign In, Stewards Tower, Lap scorers box, Out grid, Canteen and toilets.
9. Have bins in all above areas.
10. Display Health authority posters at sign-in and canteen. These will be supplied to clubs to print and display.
11. Scrutineering: exercise social distancing and prevent large groups congregating. Use sanitisers prior and after every inspection and recording in logbook.
12. Sign In: limit number of persons at sign in (suggest 10) including staff at any one time. Exercise social distancing and personal hygiene after every transaction for both staff and competitors. Allow one member of family to sign in to minimise crowding.
13. Driver’s Brief: to be done in an open area. Suggest pit area and drivers and crew can remain at sites using PA system, or centre of track where you can exercise social distancing using PA system, or have a printed driver’s brief handed out at sign in.
14. Out Grid: limit one class in grid at a time. Restricted to Driver and pushers only. Clear Grid before next class enters. Have sanitiser available for pushers and Marshalls.
15. In Grid: Try to clear grid quickly to eliminate crowding, allow 1 to 2 trolleys at a time.
16. Chief Steward: Have hand sanitiser available for Steward, Driver and Representative. Exercise social distancing and personal hygiene prior and after every discussion.
17. Lap Scorers: Try to exercise social distancing if practical. Minimise traffic in and out of the area. Use hand sanitiser regularly.
18. Presentations: DO NOT hold presentations indoors. Exercise social distancing where practical. Suggest to not use podiums or minimise time on podiums for photos.
19. First Aid: Make sure all first aid rooms are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised prior to race meet. Limit the number of family in rooms to one. Make sure your First Aid personnel is still happy to volunteer at your meeting.
20. Amenities: Make sure that all amenities are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised prior to anyone arriving on race day. Keep amenities clean throughout the meeting. Have ample bins in place, and hand sanitisers available always.
21. Canteen/Bar: Try to limit manual food handling and assess this by adjusting menu if needed. Practice safe food handling procedures. Appoint one cashier to deal with transactions and use hand sanitiser for both customer and cashier after every transaction. Limit beverage sales to sealed containers only. Limit persons at service for bar and canteen to a maximum of 5 customers.

For all this to be successful it will need the support of everyone. Don’t be offended if a Club Official or representative asks you to move or any other request, they are only trying to protect you and everyone at the meeting.

AIDKA Executive thank you in advance for understanding the current situation and decisions made by us. We still have many decisions to make whilst the Corona Virus interrupts our lives and our sport as a whole. Once we are back up and running at full capacity, we will need to assess the many aspects and effects this has had on our sport. We aim to keep you up to date as regularly as possible with any changes.

Please remember that any correspondence on this matter be addressed via your club and refrain from contacting Executive members directly.
