from Kev ‘The Noise’ Davies
Thanks Toowoomba & Lockyer Kart Club – Dave / Tom / Tereza / Trevor / John / the fabulous canteen staff / Vance / everyone else! You were amazing!!
There were 120+ racers at the event. Out of a total 79 drivers who contested our five classes, 68 were Noisy Tour competitors.

Very proud to have had such a good turn out even though there were a few that couldn’t make it due to commitments or flooding issues.
The 2020 Noisy Tour is brought to you by Project X Racing.
- full results on speedhive HERE (event was also round 1 of TLVKC Club Championship)
- All race videos are now loaded (see below).
- 3900 photos have been loaded up to Kev’s facebook – album 1 HERE, album 2 HERE, album 3 HERE and even more HERE.
- 22 video interviews HERE

The famous pie eaters – TaG Restricted Medium
Heat 1
Heat 2
Heat 3
The final
The midgets – TaG Restricted Light
Heat 1
Heat 2
Heat 3
The final
The old buggers – TaG Restricted Masters
Heat 1
Heat 2
Heat 3
The final
The sumo’s – TaG Heavy
Heat 1
Heat 2
Heat 3
The final
Loose units – Open Performance
Heat 1
Heat 2
Heat 3
The final