Karting NSW Inc. has today announced that it will re-locate part of its operations to Sports House, within the Sydney Olympic Park precinct from 1st May 2019.
The NSW Office of Sport offers this modern facility (complete with additional meeting rooms, catering facilities and IT infrastructure) to recognised State Sporting Organisations (SSO’s) as part of their accreditation benefits.

It also provides a number of large training rooms free of charge that Karting NSW Inc. will use for General Member Meetings, Board Meetings and other events.
“This is a sensible move that will save the Karters of NSW many thousands of dollars each year going forward” said Brian Appledoorn – Director of Finance for KNSW Inc.
“As importantly, it is a secure, modern and fit-for-purpose facility where our Office Staff will be surrounded and supported by like-minded SSO people.”
The Board of Karting (NSW) Inc continues to execute its restructure of the Sport in NSW, focusing on protecting Member value, driving down costs and ensuring that the governance and competition of our Sport of Karting is the best in Australia.
The office at Penrith will continue to be utilised for the KNSW Judiciary and other smaller training events.