No to Dubbo’s Double Deal

Dubbo Kart Club wished to be affiliated with both Karting NSW and Karting Australia NSW to enable its membership to compete at as many events as possible. It now looks like that’s not going to happen…

The following was lifted from the club’s Facebook page:

7 January 2019

DKC Affiliation 2019

It has come to the committees attention of a number of rumours circulating in relation to our clubs affiliation for 2019. DKC is affiliated with KNSW and has made no request or motion to become disaffiliated with the state body. Our members have voted that we remain affiliated with KNSW and support our neighbouring clubs during 2019 and into the future.

Some may have noted our new affiliation with KANSW (the new state body to be aligned with KA). Late in 2018; the club took up an offer from KANSW to be affiliated with them. We did this for a number of reasons, the most pertinent being to support a small number of our members and supporters who wish to still be able to support National level meetings under the control of KA. DKC always conducts itself with due diligence and the best intentions; the committee will always put our club and members needs first.

We will not entertain or be drawn into the mud slinging and childish arguments that are making the rounds over the past few months in relation to the political side of our sport.


In 2019 and into the future DKC will be running and hosting events under the control of KNSW…..if you want to come and race at Dubbo and support us we will make it happen. Let’s put the petty squabbling behind us and get back to enjoying the sport we all love….your sport!!

9 January 2019

Affiliation Update

Members and Supporters; the committee wrote to you 2 days ago to clarify our position in regards to our affiliation with the organising bodies of our sport. We were joyed to hear the positive responses from you in relation to what we were going to be able to offer in 2019 by being affiliated with both KNSW and KANSW.

In this post we also made reference to not becoming involved in the petty and childish arguments in relation to the political side of the sport…..unfortunately it appears that this side of the arena has been thrust upon us regardless.

Late yesterday afternoon the DKC committee was informed that our application for affiliation with KANSW has now been rejected, our details have been removed from the website and as such we will not be affiliated with KANSW. We were not contacted by anyone from KANSW Executive and have not been able to have any discussion in relation to this latest development. We have asked for the reasoning behind this; however thus far have not received any correspondence from KANSW, not withstanding the fact that communication with the entity up until now has been extremely fluid and punctual. One can only assume that there is some sort of retaliation from someone that was unhappy with our stance and intentions for 2019 or that we dared to blur the lines between ‘us and them’.

We were always forward with KANSW through-out the entire affiliation process and made the Executive well aware of our intentions and reasons behind applying for affiliation with them. We were assured by KANSW that the bickering and petty childish behaviour was behind us and that the only interest going forward was to ensure the best possible outcomes for the sport and the clubs that wish to be involved.

It would be an understatement to say we are disappointed with the latest development and apologise to our members and supporters that this is the way the situation has been handled by those who are supposed to be looking after the best interests of our Sport. For our members and supporters who are still keen to attend KA sanctioned events, feel free to make contact with us and we will point you in the right direction to ensure that you are able to continue to do so.
