Poll Result: New Kart For 2019?

On New Year’s Eve we posed the question “Will you start the year racing a brand new kart?”.

The survey result says 27% of karters will start this year on new equipment and another 10% will purchase a new kart some time during the year. However, most (58%) will be using the same kart from last year for 2019.


With lots of people ‘off grid’ for New Year, only 360 readers participated (if you missed out, too bad – sorry, the poll is now closed).

Results Breakdown”Will you start the year racing a brand new kart?”


  • Yes – 27%
  • No (will use same kart for 2019) – 58%
  • No (but plan to buy new during the year) – 10%
  • N/A (don’t own a kart) – 5%