KNSW Targets Full Racing by December

With state Government regulations allowing karts back on track from October 11, Karting NSW is targeting ‘restricted’ competition later in the month and full ‘unrestricted’ racing events by December.

Currently, the COVID rules are slightly different between NSW and the ACT, and KNSW admits there are likely to be some transitional steps through October, November and December. “But by the time we get to December, hopefully we will all be aligned and pretty much back to unrestricted practice and racing” the organisation posted today.

The full post is below.

The KNSW ‘Back On Track’ RoadMap document can be read on the KNSW website HERE.


They day is almost here….when we can return to the track and do what we all love most – RACE!

We can also catch up with our mates in person and enjoy all the things that we love about karting!


The most recent Public Health Orders in NSW were released yesterday – and we have put together a ‘simple to follow’ roadmap to get back to the track! Both for NSW and ACT!!

You will see that the rules are slightly different between NSW and the ACT. It is fair to say that there are some transitional steps between October, November and December 2021. But by the time we get to December – hopefully we will all be aligned and pretty much back to unrestricted practice and racing.

As we have a week or so before we get back to the track, please familiarise yourselves with the high level requirements for each phase back to the track. We have tried to simplify them so they are easy to understand and easy to follow.

We will be updating our CovidSAFE Guidelines – these will be more detailed and will also assist our Clubs and Officials in running a CovidSAFE Event.

Should you have any queries in relation to our Roadmap – please do not hesitate in contacting us at or (02) 4731 5000.

We have uploaded it to our KNSW Club InfoHub:
