Karting NSW has released its 2021 rule books. There are six publications; the overall KNSW Rules & Regulations, plus a handbook for each of five specific disciplines of the sport – Sprint, Enduro, Speedway, Retro and Vintage.
To download the various rule books in PDF format, visit the KNSW website HERE. Changes are highlighted in red and the update should give drivers, teams and officials greater clarity.

The Four Stroke Karting Association was full of praise for the Enduro handbook update.
“The two endurance clubs currently utilising the Karting NSW Rule book submitted an updated version of our rules to KNSW prior to Christmas” the organisation posted on social media.
“A lot of work went into analysing the book line by line, dropping out anything irrelevant, and adding in anything that we’d learn’t since the first version of the rule book the clubs wrote a few years ago. This process began back in July and concluded in December last year.
“The changes are sensible and not drastic, they cover off scenarios not covered in the last version such as those that occurred at Manning Valley where the race was shortened and the chequered flag shown early due to a situation out of our hands.
“As always this is a part of making your racing experience more enjoyable and professional, and we thank all involved in the process for the many many hours of work that goes into this area. It’s a boring job but one that is very important in ensuring we can run the best events possible.”