May Race Day! KNSW Set Restart Target

Karting (New South Wales) Inc (KNSW) intends for racing to return to its member tracks on May 30.

Chair of KNSW, Ilona Alsters, said the organisation intends to recommence competition events from that date “whilst remaining in strict compliance with current State Health Orders”.

KNSW press release on the matter below.


Karting (New South Wales) Inc (KNSW) has today released its intention to
recommence racing from 30 May 2020.

KNSW has been implementing a staged return to karting in accordance with its “Return to Karting Plan” issued in April 2020.

Ms Alsters, Chair of KNSW said “It is important to note that our sport is conducted outdoors and in most cases, in locations with a large site areas and in regional locations. Karting is a non-contact sport conducted by people who are ‘isolated’ in a kart with no (or very limited) sharing of equipment and minimal sharing of communal facilities. Our events can also be run without spectators.”

From 15 May 2020, KNSW Member Clubs have returned to practice with all Clubs required to comply with current State Health Orders on social distancing and “KNSW Guidelines to Reduce Covid-19 (Coronavirus ) Risk at KNSW Sanctioned Events”.


KNSW requires its Clubs to ensure that: (1) any outdoor gathering shall not be more than 10 people; with (2) no more than a total of 500 persons at an outdoor premises at the one time; and (3) ensuring that the entire size of the karting premises allows for 4 square meters for each person on the premises. This is consistent with current Public Health Orders in both NSW and ACT.

NSW public schools will return to classrooms full time from 25 May 2020 with ACT’s public schools will return to classrooms full time from 02 June 2020.

Ms Alsters said “It is our intention to recommence competition events from 30 May 2020 whilst remaining in strict compliance with current State Health Orders”

KNSW will be making a number of additional changes to its KNSW Rules & Regulations – to ensure compliance with legislation and social distancing when returning to competition. These will be largely around management of competitors in the out-grid, the role/s of the grid marshal, numbers of classes, participant numbers; and other social distancing procedures. This will ensure additional controls are in place for competition racing at KNSW Sanctioned Events to minimise Covid-19 (Coronavirus) risk to both our karting and wider communities and to ensure compliance with the required legislation.

KNSW also continues to strongly encourage each of its competitors and participants to download the COVIDSafe App.

KNSW will continue to work together with each of its Clubs to assist them in for
preparation for competition. KNSW also encourages each Club to determine for
themselves when they wish to re-commence competitive racing at their Club.
