Over the past 4 weeks members of the IKC committee and our club have been working together as a consolidated team very closely with The Qld Office of Sport & Recreation, Qld Health and the Ipswich City Council to understand the Federal, State & Local Government requirements around COVID 19 restrictions impacting karting activities at Ipswich Kart Club and HOW & WHEN we can overcome these. Our first and main priority is and always will be the health & safety of our members, volunteers’ officials & karting trade.
We are currently involved in multiple weekly webinar, online meetings and continued dialogue with these Government Agencies to understand the changing landscape and preparing Ipswich Kart Club to be well positioned to return Karting activities as quickly as possible. One thing that is evident is that the world as we know it has changed and will continue to be a challenging place to navigate for some time to come.
We acknowledge and understand the impact the closure of our club and facilities has had on our members however we are very aware of and sympathetic to the position the Kart Shops, Engine Builders & Private Driver Coaches that support our club are in during these challenging times. We have engaged all IKC’s supporting businesses over the last few weeks to discuss and work with us as we move forward.
We have been in deep discussion and negotiation with the Qld office of Sport & Recreation and Qld Health to work with them to develop a “Return to Pre COVID 19 staged plan” designed to resume karting activities at our club that could also be used as a baseline for other Qld Karting Clubs in the future. That plan once approved by the Qld office of Sport & Recreation will be lobbied by Ipswich Kart Club through the Qld Office of Sport & Recreation & other Government departments.
Let us be clear that this staged plan is designed to meet ALL Government restrictions and provide a pathway to return karting activities at our club over the coming months and it may take some time for each stage to be given approval to be implemented. We would like our members to be aware of our plan which is detailed in short below.
STAGE 1 – Private closed Track Hire for coaching and physical fitness of athletes within our membership while supporting essential businesses related to our immediate club by way of 1 on 1 driver coaching.
STAGE 2 – Controlled open practice with limited numbers in a public place at one time to provide physical fitness, training of athletes within our membership & to support essential businesses related to our immediate club in line with Government restrictions
STAGE 3 – Controlled competition with limited numbers in a public place at one time to provide competition, physical fitness of athletes within our membership & to support essential businesses related to our immediate club
STAGE 4 – Open practice & competition with no restriction on numbers in a public place
As is the case with all of these type of plans there is a lot of detail being worked out and put in place behind the scenes including Risk Mitigation, Contact Tracing, Journey Planning, Cleanliness Audits & Social Distancing measures that MUST MEET all Local, State & Federal Government restrictions throughout each stage of this plan.
We absolutely understand our members, Kart Shop’s Engine Builders & Private Driver Coaches want to get things on track happening again however we need to ensure we do so with the highest level of safety and with complete support and approval of the relative Government agencies required.
We commit to keep you informed and aware of how this plan progresses and will certainly let you know as soon as we have an agreed date to move forward with each stage of our Return to Pre COVID 19 staged plan.
We now have Stage 1 in implementation to Provide One on One training & fitness of athletes within our membership while supporting essential businesses whilst adhering to the current and latest direction from the Chief Health Officer titled “Non-essential business, activity and undertaking Closure Direction (No.6”) dated the 21st of April .
IKC have significant documentation approved and in place for the “Users” of the track to agree and strictly adhere too, to ensure compliance with the above direction. This consists of four (4) critical documents Including Travel logs, social distancing requirements, cleaning rosters and facility compliance audit that have been agreed by the relevant authorities to allow stage 1 to commence as of Monday the 27/04/20
Sincerely Yours
Ipswich Kart Club Committee