Canberra Kart Racing Club has announced a memorial meeting for recently passed member, Greg Williams.
The inaugural Greg Williams TaG Heavy Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the winner of TaG Heavy at the next Canberra Cup on November 6 and 7.

“We have introduced a new perpetual trophy in honour of Greg Williams who passed away earlier this week” the club’s Promotions Manager, Brett Staples, announced.
“Greg was a popular club member who gave a lot to the club. He was always friendly and gave his time freely to anyone who needed help. He was excellent with new members and a good mate to a lot of us in and out of Karting.
“Greg was a regular competitor in TaG Heavies. He was very talented behind the wheel, especially in the wet, and was excellent with the spanners and setting up karts. Karting was his passion.
“The CKRC committee wanted to do something special for this great clubman and friend to many at our club. So this year we have introduced the Greg Williams TAG Heavies Perpetual Trophy that will be awarded to the TAG Heavy winner every year from here on in at the annual Canberra Cup.
“If you knew Greg and want to be part of this special event, we encourage you to enter. We also encourage anyone who raced with Greg to enter, so get your karts ready and make the effort to race this year and make this a special event for Greg.”
Entries are still open.