Note: We’ve yet to read this annual report. The below was supplied by Karting Australia via a press release.
Australian Karting Association Ltd 2018 Annual Report Released.
Australian Karting Association Ltd (Karting Australia) today released the 2018 Annual Report covering its fifth full year of operation since restructuring as a Company Limited by Guarantee.
The 67-page report (viewable by going HERE) outlines the progress made by Karting Australia and the challenges faced throughout 2018.
Highlights include:
- The increased focus on Clubs and Grassroots karting including:
- The introduction of 4SS karting – the first Club level only Class introduced into Australian karting for many years;
- Introduction of the SP Tools Club Driver Rankings program with Australian karting’s largest ever prize pool;
- Initiating the Plus 1 Project leading to the Building Better Kart Clubs program and conference series;
- A retained surplus in excess of $2 million for the third consecutive year;
- Exceeding revenue targets for the fifth successive year;
- Increased sponsorship revenue;
- More than $550,000 of AKA’s total ordinary expenditure was spent on development of the sport, to the direct benefit of:
- State Association assistance programs;
- Building Better Kart Clubs programs;
- AKC host Clubs revenue share;
- State Championship support;
- Development and new participant attraction programs;
- Grants programs;
- Continuation of the highly successful Junior Sprockets development program.
The report also highlights the challenges and extraordinary costs incurred as a direct result of the issues that arose in New South Wales karting during the year.
To view the 2018 Annual Report please click here.