Changing weather kept drivers and crews busy at the Gippsland Go Kart Club’s May race day on the 28th. This led to drivers having different pace at different stages of the race, leading to some exciting racing despite the smaller numbers this month.
Next race meeting is on June 25. Racing starts at 10am.
KA4 Junior Light
1st Riley Jabke
2nd Rhys Siekman
KA4 Junior Heavy
1st Zane Bright
2nd Nathan Higginson
3rd Billy Bishop
KA3 Senior Light
1st Ben Chapman
2nd Grant Wicks
3rd Mark Wicks
Cadet 12
1st Harrison Ludlow
2nd Owen Pettigrew
3rd Harrison Martin
Cadet 9
1st Ryan Wyhoon
2nd Cody Boys
TaG 125 Heavy
1st Geoff Wyhoon
2nd David Bishop
TaG 125 Restricted Light
1st Robert Clark
TaG 125 Restricted Medium
1st Layne Siekman
2nd Travis Chapman
3rd Travis Warren