Bridgestone YDS Now Available

Commercial stock of the Bridgestone YDS tyre is now available.

This is the listed “option” tyre for Karting Australia’s Cadet 9, Cadet 12 and Junior KA4 classes.

Implementation seems to vary from state to state, with some states (such as WA, see below) quickly phasing out of the current tyre before the longer-wearing YDS becomes mandatory.


We’ve reached out to all the state associations and will add to this post as each replies with what that state is up to.

Rubber is ready for immediate dispatch from the Australian distributor (order online from or your local kart shop.




  • Unofficial – YDS must be used in Cadets and KA4 Junior classes beginning at the upcoming June club day. The YJL & YLR will still be used at State Series meetings and is still able to be used during private practice.


  • KA-NSW: “We will be using them at club level from the 1/7/19 for Cadets, Junior KA4 and Senior KA4, but available for testing from now on” – David Laughton, President KANSW.
  • KNSW – not applicable


  • “We are sticking with the YJL.”


  • tba


  • Karting SA is not changing to the YDS in 2019. State President Craig Denton told KartsportNews the majority of clubs had previously voted to stay on the current softer tyre and not change mid-way through a racing season. It was thought that it will be cheaper in the long run to just leave things as they stand rather than competitors gearing up for two types of tyre (ie, extra rims, potential setup changes, axles etc).


  • “NT will be using YDS tyres optionally from after the NT Championships (11 -14th July), transitioning to compulsory use for all club meetings as of January 1, 2020” – Jenny Taylor, State Secretary.