Poll Result: Series or Standalone?

The past week readers have been able to vote on the question: “If there were, say, 5 race meetings in your local area, would you prefer they were run as a series with a point score, or as standalone events?“.

The poll didn’t attract anywhere near the interest of previous polls (just 258 replies), so from this one might conclude it’s not a significant issue. However, for those who did participate, the far majority would prefer standalone events.

The results were:


  • Series with Point score: 30%
  • Standalone events – 48%
  • Not fussed either way – 19%
  • Other – 3%

Some of the responses for the ‘Other’ category include “both options have their place”, “whatever draws people to race against” and “why not start a league series between clubs”.

There was positive feedback for both the VCS in Victoria and the CQ Karting Series in Queensland.

Several called for all the KA State Championships to be single event titles once more – though that was off the topic of the original question…
