CKSA Fires Warning To Other Karting Bodies


As part of its call for foundation members, Commission Kart Sport Australia has fired a warning shot to other karting bodies that it will take action if its members are threatened or intimidated.


CKSA press release

“The CKSA now seeks clubs interested in joining the CKSA as foundation members for 2017.  This includes interest in being host club for the first 2018 CKSA Easter Nationals event to be held in a regional location in Australia.


“This information will be treated confidentially in all aspects and no details of members or tracks will be released  in public.

“The CKSA is actively working with the ACCC regarding threat and intimidation matters on members and will provide the ACCC with information on any activities by any persons to threaten or intimidate any CKSA clubs, tracks or members seriously and any evidence to support such actions will be provided to Police and the ACCC for action.

“All CKSA clubs will be afforded with protection under Australian Laws with full CKSA support for such actions.”

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